Category: Inspiration and Prayers

Crazy busyness!!

I am ready for some much needed structure in my life!
I love being busy and having purpose, truly i do, but I have not done a good job with structure this summer. Can anyone relate to this?? I feel like my days go so fast, almost stolen, and my to-do list just gets longer. You would think that after our vacation I would be refreshed, but to be honest, I’m just not. I’ve felt like all i’ve done is try and play catch up after being gone and I spent the week before we left getting ready to go!
So to settle my spirit I’m gonna do 2 things…
#1 set some goals- there i said it now I’ll have to do it. I will be sharing my goals with you in the weeks to come and what works for me and what doesn’t.
#2 take a walk through my garden and just escape for the moment. Some call this the Scarlet O’Hara syndrome but i call it a breath of much needed fresh air.
The things that nurture my soul are…

Spending time outdoors, enjoying nature
Spending time with loved ones.

Building my relationship with God and His church.
Creating my artwork.

Making a difference.

Just being good to myself by exercising and eating right.

Boy, a little prespective can go a long way. I guess all the things I have to do today are just not that important.

I would love to know what you do to nurture your soul?

seek and find

Seek and Find 11×14
Luke 11:9-10 (New International Version)
9″So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Quick story…
My kids just finished 4-H, a huge organization that fosters leadership skill and training in everything from animal care to Lego’s. It’s such an amazing club and the kids wanted to do DOG OBEDIENCE, with it being Lauren’s second year and Cooper’s 1 year.
Lauren chose to work with Bob, our 11yr.old blind poodle. Coop chose to work with Krissy our 6 yr old Pomeranian. I say ‘chose’, but the better wording would be ‘stuck with’ because ideally you would never chose a blind old man and a stubborn, prissy pom! But that’s what we had to work with and at first the kids were very excited. Then the reality hit…4-H is hard work and even more of a challenge when working with 2 stubborn dogs.
As the big day approached, the kids started to get more discouraged and asked me many times if they could just give up, fearing they would be humiliated. Knowing they hadn’t practiced and trained like they should have I told them no, we will finish this. This was simply one of those times I had to let them fail.
The day of the show we’re driving over and Cooper is just miserable and I asked him what was wrong. “I’m just so mad because I know Krissy won’t listen to me”. I try and reassure him but could see he was nervous and frankly i could feel his pain. The kids go through their run with the dogs and judges and we wait for the big moment when they call the kids up for scores and ribbons. You could feel the tension throughout the whole arena.

Cooper’s group gets called up first…

Awww, the relief that only a BLUE RIBBON could bring!

Lauren’s next….

On the way home the kids were thrilled and so proud of the dogs. Out of my son’s mouth comes this little song of Luke 11:9-10. I don’t know in which moment I was more happy, seeing them hold those ribbons or hearing my youngest quote scripture, giving the glory to God. What Cooper didn’t know was that the night before I was up late reworking an old piece i just didn’t like. I regessoed (is that a word?) over it and began to rework it.
This was the final result.

Isn’t God the coolest?!

i saw you today…

i saw You today
with every step i took
You were there.
i saw You today
in every face
in every race
You were there.
i saw you today
i felt my hand in yours
as i said the hard things
as i did the hard things
that i could do only with You
*I will post a DARE TO LOVE interview tomorrow(hopefully), but wanted to reach out and share my heart with you today. I hope you are feeling His love today too. If you would like to be a guest on my Monday posts, please comment on this post and DARE TO SHARE(LOVE).

The “F” word

The F word is nothing but a four letter word, just not the one you think. The word is FEAR and I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. Why is it that we give this emotion so much power? Do we not recognize it when it rears it’s ugly head or are we just so comfortable in it because we have lived here for so long. And what exactly is it we are fearing? It’s like living in a FEAR house instead of a FUN house, we come to a cross roads and don’t know which way to go so we just stare at our reflection and pick ourselves apart. AT THIS MOMENT WE NEED TO LOOK UP!!!
So what do we, as people, fear? For me abandonment and rejection are core issues that I have had to give up so that I could learn to trust and love myself and God. I remember as a child being paralyzed with fear, literally so afraid that I couldn’t move. At that time my biggest fear was simply fear itself so I learned how to NOT be afraid. The only thing I could do during those moments in childhood was cry out to God. Then instead of hearing words of condemnation and hate, words of love and affirmation would come. It was a big lesson for me and He became my armor against fear.
As artists, as women, as mothers and wife’s, everyday we deal with things that bring fear. “Am i a good example to my family, will they like this art, does he find me attractive, will i do a good job, will they like this post?” During those moments of self doubt and fear we must realize those thoughts are not from HIM. God gives only love. He can turn pain and fear into hope and strength. Call on Him and be confident in His love because He made you to be you and to glorify and radiate Him.
I must admit, I’m a little scared to hit publish on this post, fear is creeping in. But, i made a promise to you, myself and to God to give you my whole heart. Here it is! I will walk confidently with our Father.
What do you fear? Stare at it, look up and grab the hand of Christ. Only He can take you through it.

Make a W I S H….

You know how you have those secret wishes inside of yourself?? They’re just dying to come out, but we just shove them down.

Excuses, excuses and mine sound something like this…

not the right time
not good enough
who would care

Have you been there?

I thought I would throw caution to the wind and just throw mine out there.

Run a ECO-LODGE in Costa Rica that is totally self reliant and contained.

I envision offering beautiful villas with king sized beds and freshly air dried cotton sheets. Sipping fresh Pina Colada’s while lounging next to the infinity pool that over looks the ocean. Gourmet foods prepared, of course, on site. Simple and clean recipes like free range egg omelets, banana scones with a side of hand-whipped cream, lobster salads, and grilled Maui Maui steaks topped with mango salsa. Scuba diving, snorkeling, hiking , walking on the beach and relaxing for recreation.

Work with disadvantaged youth teaching art.

When i say disadvantaged I mean handicapped in anyway; emotionally, physically, or/and financially. Art is such an expression of who we are inside and when we let that out is becomes very therapeutic.

Plus, I think all artist are a little wounded anyway, we could relate. Let’s face it, we’ve all been wounded some how, some where.

Win the lottery and travel the world with my family and two dogs!

Is this too much to ask!


Those are my secret dreams and I’ve only said them out loud two times. Somehow sharing them with you puts me in that wonderfully vulnerable place that I’m learning to feel good in.

My prayer for you today is that you look inside and get familiar with your secret dreams…

And then share them with the world.

a snail’s pace

On my walk the other morning I spotted this snail and something prompted me to watch it for a few minutes. Expecting it to move slowly…’at a snail’s pace’…I was pleasantly surprised to see how far it traveled in just a few minutes.

I couldn’t help but think of my own journey. I often times feel like I’m moving at a ‘snail’s pace’ and get frustrated, discouraged. But when I really stop to think of where I was a year ago i realize that I’ve been coming along nicely. Maybe not at the speed my pride would like, but at the speed our Father would like. When you walk with Christ, you have the time to move like that because you know He has you right where He wants you to be.

My Thorn

My God, I have never thanked you for my thorn! I have thanked you a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorn. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear; teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed to you by the path of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow.
George Matheson (1842-1906)
I have been meditating on this prayer for 2 months and it has offered me so much strength and gratitude. How wise to be thankful for your struggles, for it shows how much you trust in God. If you are struggling with something, please know that God is doing something mighty for you. He wants your salvation, He wants your love and trust and He wants to make you a splendor for HIS glory. Be grateful that He choose you, for He must see something special.

Take Joy!!

How do we “Take Joy”, when life does all it can to steal it from us? Do you ever feel like the happier you become the more disdain people show? What is this and why?

The story goes something like this…
I was in the store, looking over the produce, when an older women came over to pick over the bananas. I smiled and she turned away, wouldn’t make eye contact. I must admit it kinda stung, but hey, smiles are free and I have more, so no worries. Moving along I started down the isles of the store minding my own business, but trying to connect with the other shoppers using eye contact and a simple smile. People we literally turning away like I had 3 eyes!! I rubbed my nose wondering if something was hanging from it. No nothing there. What was happening, I was simply looking to share a smile. I honestly started to feel angry and frustrated. It was in my opinion at the moment ‘just bad manners, rude!’.
Discouraged I finally made it up to the check-out lines, they were all full, probably 5 people in each line. Except for this one line completely open there stood this women behind the register with a BIG smile on here face. I looked around to see if #1 the line was truly open and #2 was anyone else moving towards it? Looking at the register attendant, she waved me over.
“Hi, how are you today?” she asked. “Oh, I’m ok, thanks”I said expecting that to be the end, but she pressed on. “Just ok?” again with the smile. I smiled back. She continued with small talk, but the sheer joy and love inside her soon became blatantly apparent. Surprised by her true joy i looked her over. What was it?? There was nothing to indicate she had anything else that others didn’t have except her Kroger name tag and that Big Smile. Suddenly I blurted out “Are you a Christian?” You could see the question startled her. Oh no, the smile was gone and she had a look of shock on her face. “How did you know?” she asked grabbing her bare neck, I suppose to feel for a cross. “I can see the Holy Spirit seeping right out of you” I said, now it was I with the big smile. Tears immediately sprang to her eyes and she said “that’s my prayer ever day of my life, that others see God through me”. Then, I kid you not, true story, we started hugging each other, in tears right over the check out line. Wow, it was truly an exchange i’ll never forget. I look for that lady every time I go to Kroger and I never see her. Was she an angel?? Maybe.
I went to that store looking for a smile and some groceries, and I left with a hug from the Holy Spirit.
No more frustration or anger, just Joy!! Always choose JOY or you just might miss a hug from God himself.

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