Category: Growing my ART Business

Repuposed ART

My very favorite thing about art and being an artist is the transformation of things. It is in the creating!
It can be the clump of clay that gets made into a beautiful piece of pottery, the blank canvas that is transformed into a classic masterpiece or a million pieces or tiny glass blown in to a colorful vase.

It truly is the gift of art that inspires growth and change in so many ways.

I love taking something that may be discarded and giving it new life. I get this from my mom, also an artist, who used to make me hunt with her for flattened pop cans so she could paint different faces or animals on them. She would get inspired by the shape the old, rusty, flattened tin can would make and transform them into little pieces of art. It was very cool and a very 70’s kind of thing to do.

For a few years now i have been painting on cabinet door fronts.

 I really love taking the door and turning it into art! I also enjoy working on the versatile hard wood surface. I can paint acrylics directly on the door front, like what you see above, or i can use mixed media layers. I can even pound nails into the piece if i want. Sometimes you just wanna hit something:)

Recently I held a workshop on repurposed assemblage art working on a cabinet door front. The idea was to take personal items from home and assemble them onto the door using mixed media techniques. It was  awesome to see old cabinet doors turn into these amazing pieces of art…

 This artist created a tribute to Grandma and Grandpa
 This artist gave healing to a broken heart
 this piece was made for a first grandbaby
 Commemorating Grandma, this artist used her Grandmother’s earring collection!
 This artist used lot’s of color and texture, awesome
 Who wouldn’t want this in a beach themed room or vacation home?
An old broken doll from childhhood gives this artist her inspiration

All the doors were unique and inspiring as these women opened themselves up to the world of assemblage and repurposed art for the very first time. Two sweet artist had never even done mixed media, they totally blew us all away with thei work!

As women i think we all enjoy making things new and fresh.  It’s just in us to make things pretty! We redecorate, cook and bake, sew, we even spend time making ourselves pretty.

What do you REPURPOSE? I would love to know!

Where’s Waldo…

If you have tween kids you probably remember the WHERE’S WALDO books. Loved them as I sat with the kids and we all tried to be the first one to find the goofy looking Waldo character. Well….that’s kinds been my life lately! Friends keep asking WHERE’S JILL? Blog buddies check in periodically to see if I’m ok and most of the phone messages from family members begin something like this, “I know you’ve been busy lately but when you get a chance can you give me a quick call?” That’s the worst 🙁 First let me say THANK YOU for the “just checking on you” emails I received. It still amazes me that God has put you in my life. It amazes me that you would even care what a mess like me would have to say over on this little ole’ blog of mine. It has been a truly Blessed month for me and my family, full of ups and downs. The ups~
  • Co-chairing my church’s SPRING GALA with my hubby. Lot’s of hard work but we raised some much needed funds with a great community of people. God is trying so hard to make us a great team….we’re gettin there .

I was invited to attend the Surtex show in NYC by a friend who is a licensed artist. I learned SO much about the licensing art world. Fair to say the good, the bad, and the ugly! Not sure if this is my path but I’m open to the possibilities. NYC was very cool to visit for the first time as an adult.

these guys were having too much fun!

catwalk at the Surtex show
and Time Square
and Central Park

*************************Blessed to witness many Baptisms this last month, 8 to be exact! Not too sure why God allowed me to be at the right place at the right time but sure does put life into perspective when you watch so many come to Jesus through this sacrament. Holy WOW!
Attended Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral while in NYC

  • The ending of many activities for the kids…soccer, acting class that ended with a play, spring musical and of course the end of a school year!

Yeeha! Welcome Summer:)
My sweet kiddos..Lauren is the mad scientist, Cooper is the goalie!

  • An exciting opportunity to wholesale with my very favorite local boutique. They have several locations and tons of foot traffic. I have been biding my time and waiting til the right opportunity came up to begin wholesaling…could this be it? I’ll keep you posted.

TRU workshops and ATC swaps! I am so thrilled that my workshops have blossomed into a place of creative support and love. It has taken me 2 years to finally see the fruits of this journey and God has been more than faithful to me. I am inspired by the women who join me on this journey and am in awe of the art they are creating . ********* TRUly inspiring women!

  • Putting my health on the list again, I’m exercising everyday, taking my vitamins, drinking more water, and enjoying whole, clean foods. Lost 10 Lbs! Not brave enough to post a picture here.
  • Getting my house organized. I know, i’ve been talking about doing this forever and i’m finally working it out! Again, not brave enough to post a picture…not of my messy closets!

The downs~ Missed my nephews 1st Communion because of my trip to Surtex. Computer officially crashed! This was more than a downer! Just yesterday we finally got all my contacts and documents loaded and this has been a day to day process. This was a very difficult thing to give to God as a real part of my life lies in this little laptop. My work, my photographs, and my contacts all sat untouched for weeks at a time as we struggled to find a solution to my computer problem. Finally the big black screen of nothing. Had to bite the bullet and just get a new machine, my mother board had died. I do not wish that on my worst enemy so as a friend my only advice is…shut your computer completely down each night.
Contracted a terrible rash from NYC?? Still not sure what it was but very itchy and left welts on me. Not sure if it was bedbugs…yuck! All gone now, no sign of critters.

    My hubby and I finished up our first year as Youth Group leaders at our church…oh wait, that goes in the UPS section. We will miss our teens this summer!

      Missed my sisters birthday but going out tonight to finally celebrate.

        Missed some of my BFFs…finally catching up on walks, dinners, and phone convos.

          Missed you, my bloggy friends. That’s it!! We are leaving for vacation next week and I will post some pictures while we’re there. Leave a comment to see if you know the location from my pictures, kinda like a virtual Where’s Waldo, and you could be the winner of a special give-away. Look for more details to come. I have not given up on the Choosing Hope series i have planned to post, so I hope you haven’t either. I will begin that in June, God willing (i’m learning to say that more!). xo jill

          shameless self promotion

          Should I feel ashamed, promoting myself??
          No, i shouldn’t but even after all this time, mostly i still do.
          This thought hit me this week, several times….it’s finally sinking in.
          As i was talking about my plans for the evening with a artist friend this week, telling her about the 12 beautiful women who were to join my mixed media workshop that night, she asked “what workshop”?! Mind you, this was a good, artistic friend, who I paint with all the time. I’ve been doing workshops for 3 years and never once had I mentioned them to her. It hit me.
          During the workshop, I’m talking to the girls about my background and one of them asked, how long did it take you to start calling yourself a professional artist. My answer, 2 years after i started selling my work. 2 YEARS! It hit me.
          Later that week, I’m talking to a neighbor, who has been my neighbor for 8 years who asked me what I was always loading my truck up with. After I tell her artwork for the art shows I do, she says ” really, I didn’t know you were an artist”. Mind you, this is a person who has been to my house for dinner, a friend and never had I mentioned to her i was an artist!? REALLY! It hit me.
          Take a look at my FACEBOOK page if you get a chance. I have a ton of ‘friends’ who are artists and when you go to there page, you know it. They have their work shown and they are promoting themselves. Not me. Just randomness shown, no substance on who I am, what I do.

          Is anyone feeling me on this? Why do we do this??
          Is it because our art is so deeply personal? Is it because it feels like a piece of our heart? Is it because we don’t feel worthy? Is it because we don’t have a degree in art? Is it because we don’t have a studio? Is it because it isn’t a painting of a girl with a long neck and tilted head? Is is because we’re scared we’ll be laughed at? Is is because…..
          What is your because?
          Here are some photos of the Mixed Media Workshop I did this week with 12 creative goddesses.
          BTW…I do workshops, lots of them and they ROCK!

          Dare to Share Tip #3

          Tip #3 Dare To Promote Yourself

          This, by far has been one of my biggest giants!! As an artist who is creating authentically, promoting yourself just feels YUCKY!! To me it feels like “here’s my heart, go ahead and pick it apart”. And people do and always will. If your an artist, of any kind…writer, musician, actor, expect this and save your self lots of time spent in the corner curled up in the fetal position. Some people are gonna love ya, some are gonna Not love ya! And thank God, that allows us all the opportunity to be artist.

          As you all have probably seen by now, my motto is work smarter not harder. Same holds true for marketing and promoting. Early on I killed myself and my spirit by trying to be everywhere, all the time. This didn’t work for me and I had to get in touch with my priorities:
          GOD, FAMILY (which includes maintaining my household), FRIENDS, and if there is anything left, MY ART WORK. At first it was really hard to stay focused on those things, then it became my freedom.
          Here is what I do to market my artwork. PLEASE if you know of an easier way(sure you do)tell us!! Make all our lives easier. I do not have all the answers, just what I’m doing to simplify my life. We all want to take the path of least resistance and in this case we should. Allows us more time in the studio, playing outside with the kids, holding hands with our honeys, and living life in the moment.
          My Website
          I found BLUdomain through a friend who is a photographer. We were both starting out in our business and felt like we needed a website to be successful. I found and bought a terrible template from a company that had no customer service and you literally had to be a graphic designer to figure out how to use this template. I spent weeks trying to learn about mega tags and nonsense just to build this generic looking site that offered very little. I also spent $700!! Meanwhile my girlfriend found a host and template that allowed her to build her site in about 6 hours and she was live in 24hrs. She spent $100! Ok, definitely a dare to learn moment for me. Do you need a website to be a successful artist? No. But for me it has really taken my business to a new level. Without even trying, I have been featured in varies publications, invited to different art shows, and given myself a home base for my business. Even with the few pieces I have for sale on there right now, I still have a portfolio for clients to see. This has helped me get into several shows that I was supposed to be juried into through ZAPP applications without being a member of ZAPP. For several reasons I refuse to do ZAPP, call me a snob but I’m a girl with boundaries.
          My Marketing Printer
          How I love me some VISTA PRINTS!! Good quality, good prices, good turnaround time, and good customer service. Maybe I’ve been lucky , but they have been great for my business. They have come along way since I started with them in 2007 and at the rate they are going I expect them to only get better.
          My blog
          There are MANY free websites to help you decorate your blog. I really like this one because they have a great selection and it’s an easy site to navigate.
          And as you already know, I use blogger for my host. They make my life easy, love that!
          Networking Groups
          Again, there are a ton. Personally I network in groups that i enjoy. I participate, when I can, in varies on line groups that include Facebook, The Incrowd (an Indiana Etsy group), Create by Faith, and Fishers Handmade (another local Etsy group). I have found that Etsy forums are a great way to learn more about how to grow your business and gain awesome feedback.I also network with some of you, my blog family. I really don’t care for the word network, I think of it more as connecting. So connect with people you WANT to connect with otherwise it becomes a chore.
          Host workshops
          I currently work with my city to give workshops in Mixed Media/Collage. Connecting with your Chamber of Commerce is a great place to start if you are looking to do the same. Also, I would recommend networking with local art galleries and boutiques to see if they are interested in offering workshops in your medium. I enjoy workshops because it allows me the pleasure of seeing beautiful people create beautiful art!!
          Moving forward in my business, I’m in the process of adding three things that I believe will promote my work and grow my business.
          • Adding Prints to my line

          (said I never would! eating my words)

          • Learning Photoshop
          (yes, still trying to find the time to learn this software!! Anya…HELP)
          • Adding a wholesale line
          ( this will be a huge step for me, but I believe, today anyway, that this is the direction God is leading me)
          Unfortunately marketing and self promotion is just a huge part of selling our work. Not the fun part, but key to growing your business. If you don’t think your worth promoting neither will anyone else! So let your freak flag wave and sell it baby!
          I hope you have a blessed weekend.
          I look forward next week to sharing a final and most benefical tip for growing my business.

          Dare to Share Tip #2

          Tip #2 Dare to become DESERVING!

          When I first decided I wanted to try and sell my artwork, it was a scary time for me. Putting my heART out there for all the world to see was not easy and I was more or less a ‘closet artist’.
          Literally a ‘closet artist’, here is my first work space.

          Ok, now that I’m totally exposed…look at it!! This was the place I came to get inspired and create! Shameful. When I couldn’t stand to work in the dungeon anymore, I started to drag my stuff upstairs to the kitchen table. This was good for awhile, but every time i started to get into a piece I would have to pack it up and make dinner ,so needless to say this was not ideal either.

          It took me a long time to feel deserving of a space all my own, a whole room i could call mine.

          I turned the guest room into MY OWN REAL LIFE STUDIO!! It seemed silly to have a room that guest stayed in maybe 12 nights a year while I was lugging my stuff all over the house trying to find a sunny place to create in. And I’m sad to say that i didn’t do this until Jan 2010, over 2 years after I stared selling my work. CRAZYNESS! But honestly there was this part of me that just didn’t feel like i deserved that space for myself. When I really asked myself why i wasn’t deserving of a space to create in, nothing came. It wasn’t about entitlement, it was about working hard and moving forward. It is a blessing to me every time I walk in that room. It is a shame that I allowed myself to sit in the dark for so long, down in the dungeon. By becoming deservinging of that sunlight I allowed my dream to grow.

          If you are an artist, do you have a space in your heart and home for your dream to grow? It doesn’t have to be a whole room, but maybe it should be. How often do you use that formal dining room or guest room? You might have a sunny corner in the office or family room that is waiting for just for you.

          You deserve that and God gave you your gift for a reason.


          Dare to Share Tip #1

          What a great week I had with my family from Cali in town! I honestly dropped almost EVERYTHING to hang out and visit with them. Last time I saw my sister and her family was Christmas so it was my pleasure to catch up and just “BE”. It did put me behind a bit, but hey family first! We have been blessed with lots of family visits this summer and I can’t wait to share some pictures with you of our visits.
          This week I also had some time to really think about how I’ve grown my business in the last three years, the mistakes I made and what lessons I’ve learned along the way.
          I’m so excited to share what worked for me in growing my business. My list of what didn’t work would take up the remaining posts for 2010 so I thought instead I would share the 4 things I’ve done to help my bu$ine$$ grow. I thought long and hard on these and I hope they help you on your journeys too. I’m sure many of you will think “been there , done that” so chime in and help us all GROW.
          TIP #1 – DARE to LEARN/TEACH
          When i first started my business in Oct. 2007 i was kinda a know-it-all. I had been an artist, though not professionally, all my life. During my professional career I was in sales and had always had an entrepreneurial spirit. As my mom often teases ‘you could sell ice to an Eskimo’ and I was always selling something! So foolishly I thought I would make product and they would beat down the door to get it. I had a good idea to sell handmade collage frames and do it yourself collage kits.
          Who wouldn’t want to buy that?!
          Well not enough that’s who and it was a very humbling time for me. But I really needed that because what it did was force me to reach out to others in my field and ask questions. I had to admit that i didn’t know jack about running my own business and what it takes to be an artist.
          I began networking with artist in my local area, taking classes, and being open to learning. Unfortunately not everyone was willing to help. A lot of artist have this competitive nature that makes them not want to share knowledge or connections. After meeting many artist like this it dawned on me that it was really insecurity and it made it easier to not take things personally. I’m thick headed and love a challenge so it took me getting slapped around and even being laughed a bit to really want to succeed anyway. It pushed me and it made me humble. It also made me passionate about helping others along the way.
          I meet with a dear artist friend just last week and we discussed this. She contacted me 8 months ago, out of the blue and asked if we could meet. She lived closed by and was looking to find someone to network with and learn from. I told her I would love to and after looking over her beautiful artwork I was so excited to meet with her. We quickly became friends and she shared with me her frustration that no one would talk with her about their art business.
          I was the first to accept her invite!
          I have been thrilled to see her grow her business. She started a website…better then mine! (I will share more on this and the company we use in a later post. Btw, my site is being updated now thanks to my friend!). She did her first art show, setting up an amazing booth, and sold her first piece. She even does prints and t-shirts now!! I don’t even have prints yet! I love it and honestly feel genuine happiness for her. At lunch she thanked me, just like she has a million times for my help. She also told me that she has been helping this young artist, who is just starting out. She told me she is paying it forward! I tried not to just sob all over her.
          In giving to her I have received the true gift!

          So, if you know it all, LEARN!
          When you don’t know jack, TEACH!

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