Mary lived in the town of Magdala. This small town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee was a place where Jesus spent much of his time preaching. This is probably where Mary first came to know Jesus. Some people believe and St. Gregory the Great claimed, that she was the woman who entered Simon the Pharisee’s house. She’s the woman that wept and washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. She wiped His feet with her hair and then poured perfume on His feet. The Gospels tell us that Jesus released seven demons from Mary. We are not sure what the evils were, but over the centuries people have guessed that she was an immoral woman. The Vatican has said this is not so, and many scholars believe that the reference means she was cured of illness by Jesus. Some people were surprised that Jesus let such a sinner touch him. Our Lord who could see into Mary’s heart said, “Many sins are forgiven her, because she has loved much.” Then to Mary He said kindly, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” St. Mary Magdalene was a sinner, yet Jesus forgave her. He could see that she loved much. From then on, with the other holy women, Mary humbly served Jesus and His apostles.


Mary stayed with the Blessed Mother, some other women, and St. John at the foot of the Cross until Jesus died. She would not leave her Friend in the terrible last moments of His earthly life. After Jesus’ body had been placed in the tomb, Mary went to anoint it with spices early Easter Sunday morning, because there had been no time when He was buried. She was shocked when she saw that the tomb was empty. Not finding the Sacred Body, she stood outside the tomb and began to weep. Suddenly she saw someone she thought was the gardener. She asked him if he knew where the body of her beloved Master had been taken. Touched by her deep sorrow, the man spoke in a voice filled with love that she knew so well: “Mary!” It was Jesus, standing right there in front of her. He was risen from the dead. And He had chosen to  reveal himself first to her. The Gospels tell us that Mary was sent by Jesus himself to announce the Good News of the resurrection to Peter and the apostles.


We do not know where Mary went after Jesus ascended into heaven. Some say that she went with St. John to Ephesus. Others say she went to southern France where she lived alone in a cave and prayed. No matter where she ended up, Mary is still a model for us today as one of Jesus’ first and most loyal disciples. St Mary is called the “apostle to the  apostles”.

This is a great overview of Mary’s life and gives you more details about the end of her life.